Change of perspective. As a team or manager
Your business has grown rapidly and the market forces you to adapt processes or change completely the direction of your enterprise including necessary restructuring. That means that complex changes must be put into place – designed in an acceptable manner and communicated in a way that is keeping up the motivation. In these difficult working and leadership situations Coaching helps to strengthen teams and individuals. Exploring new solutions and implement them: for example when you take over new job responsibilities or you need support in developing job skills.
You are facing a decision about which education or course of studies really suits me? What first job should I take? We help with individual coaching to find the right path for the professional future.
…to support leaders taking up new challenges, accelerate individual performance and leadership competence. To help executives in career advancement and work life balance.
…to become more effective as a team. We support teams to improve their way of working together and become more successful. By focusing on key elements of positive team collaboration you will grow as team and learn to manage team conflicts, respectively prevent them from arising in the first place. Also you will succeed to develop and reach common objectives.
… to manage better your career advancement or the transition in new leadership roles. We help you to gain clarity about your professional goals and to set up a step by step plan to reach them. Strengthen your capacity to cope with change and conflict situations.
…career counselling for students and University graduates. We help you to find suitable educations or courses of studies In the selection of the first job, we also provide sound decision-making support and accompany you professionally in the job applications and job interviews.
…to increase personal satisfaction, to identify and develop your own potential. We assist you in reaching your personal goals, finding a way forward in difficult personal situations or taking difficult decision. Learn how to improve your capability of building and maintaining relationships in private and professional life.